Debugging JavaScript-Exceptions in GWT-2.x

Setting a Breakpoint

As outlined in the screenshot below, setting a break point inside the JavaScriptException's constructor together with the watch expression


gives you detailed stack trace for native JavaScript exceptions.

Logging JavaScript Exceptions

GWT 2.1 introduced a change in the error handling, which effectively stops JavaScript throwable stacktraces from being logged. However by using a conditional breakpoint and some JavaScript magic, Chromium/Chrome can log the exception and it's stacktrace to the browser console, at least when compiling in GWT's "pretty" mode.

The code responsible for masking exceptions is usually located around line 400+ in the generated .js file and looks like this - you can find it by searching the script file for "entry_0" in the JavaScript debugger:

function entry_0(jsFunction){

  return function(){
    try {
      return entry0(jsFunction, this, arguments); 
    catch (e) {
      throw e; // <-- Insert breakpoint here 

place a breakpoint on the line marked above, and add the following condition (in Chrome this is done by right-clicking the breakpoint marker and selecting "Edit breakpoint..." from the context menu)

e.stack && $wnd.console.error(e.stack),e.cause && $wnd.console.error(e.cause),false

This causes the stack and cause attributes of the exception to be logged to the browser's console if they exist. The "false" at the end of the line causes the debugger not to stop at the breakpoint - if you want to inspect the exception with the debugger, you may want to change it to "true". However the code usually causes the entire javascript exception object to be dumped to the console, which allows for a full inspection.