Linux Hints
Linux Hints
Some general Linux hints not specific to server environments:
- Booting from USB Stick made easy - unetbootin
- Debian jessie builds of DKMSed upstream DRBD8 Kernel Module
- Debian-multimedia.org, Debian's medibuntu counterpart
- Ever-raising kernel load caused by DRBD 8.4.6 to 8.4.9-1
- Ever-rising load on Debian jessie + DRBD8 + LXC host pairs
- Finding newest or oldest file in directory tree
- Forced removal of a debian/ubuntu package
- Formatting a storage device for use with all Operating systems
- Getting around apt-get's too strict timestamp checks (and other caching problems)
- Getting around x64 flaws through chroot to a x86 installation
- Getting rid of Tracker on Linux Desktops
- Getting subdirectory sizes including "hidden" dot-directories
- Gnome3-Hints
- GoogleEarth Linux positioning bug solution
- How a sh script finds it's own place
- HowTo force screen backlight off when locking screen, general and Xfce4
- Icinga's Ido2DB restart problem
- KDE konsole 3.5 to 4.1 migration tips
- Linux Rescue System hints
- Linux Server hints
- Memory cleanup hints
- Nagios hints for Ubuntu/Debian (updated for nagios3)
- Optimizing scp and rsync/ssh to use high bandwidth connections
- Re-attachable shell for long-running tasks on remote host: tmux
- rsync hints for heterogenous environments, especially [V]FAT
- RSyslogD and chroots
- Scripting handwork rg. PostgreSQL bug CVE-2017-7547
- Squid cache purging by URL pattern
- SSD usage hints for Linux
- SSHFP records: DNS providing public ssh host keys
- SystemD failure highlights, and evation notes for Debian users
- tcpdump cheat sheet
- Test tool for investigating how java sees a system's environment
- Ubuntu/Debian language and timezone snippets
- Ubuntu hints
- Unusual resolutions with Xorg VESA driver Mini-HowTo
- Using ssh-agent & gpg-agent under Xfce4 utilizing gnome-keyring-daemon
- Workaround for VSFTPd chroot bug in Debian wheezy
- Working around thunderbird+enigmail's agent problems (very obsolete)