Currently we are in the progress of adapting from Bullseye to Bookworm, so this is WORK IN PROGRESS rg. Bookworm.
Adapting pba to new Debian Release
Adapt PBA and create PBA-Builder tarballs
See https://iteg.atlassian.net/l/cp/SGt5wKvo (access ITEG only for now).
--- current point of adaption to Debian Bookworm ---
Adapt HelloWorld Projects
Repeat for pba-hellolib-portable
(with -o unix
Repeat for pba-hellobigworld-portable
(with -o unix
... with -o unix
or later -o "unix|9"
See Adapting FancyLibs & MinGW-Pkg from Debian 9 Stretch to 10 Buster, Mingw-7 to Mingw-8.