Repository Access

Repository Access

Public access

Source Code

The Clazzes.org subversion and maven repositories can be accessed read-only by anonymous users. The URLs all follow the same schema, just replace project-name. Generally, the svn and maven urls for all projects should also be written on their homepage. If you are not sure about the project name, you can visit https://maven.clazzes.org/org/clazzes/ and browse the list of projects there, or contact the project lead.

  • Subversion: http://svn.clazzes.org/svn/project-name/
  • Maven Releases: http://maven.clazzes.org/org/clazzes/project-name
  • Maven Snapshot-Releases: http://maven-snapshots.clazzes.org/org/clazzes/project-name

Software Packages for Linux

We provide .deb packages of some software for Debian and derived linux distros. A full list of the available software can be found at https://deb.clazzes.org/. You can directly download source snippets for your sources.list[.d] from there too.

We highly recommend using apt-transport-https to install the packages from https, but all URLs work as http too.

To trust our archiver key, run the following command in a terminal as root:

wget -O - https://www.clazzes.org/gpg/pba-archiver.clazzes.org.asc |apt-key add -

Windows Installers

Some of our software packages are also available as Windows installers for 32 and 64 bit architectures from our downloads area.

Authenticated access

Every project has a designated user name (usually the same as the project name), which may upload files subversion and maven repositories via ssh. Trusted user's ssh-keys are added to the authorized key list of the project-user. Access may be restricted to svn or include and the maven repository.

Write-enabled URLs for projects are built according to the following schema:

  • Subversion repository: svn+ssh://project-name@svn.clazzes.org/svn/project-name
  • Maven repository base URL: scpexe://project-name@maven.clazzes.org/var/www/htdocs/maven.clazzes.org
  • Maven snapshot repository base URL: scpexe://project-name@maven.clazzes.org/var/www/htdocs/maven-snapshots.clazzes.org
  • In place of scpexe: you may be able to use sftp: or scp:

Troubleshooting authenticated access

Before contacting the administrator or project lead because of technical problems, please make sure you have tried the following:

  • Your ssh client must accept the clazzes.org server’s host keys before you can commit using ssh+svn. In a terminal, call 
    ssh svn.clazzes.org and ssh maven.clazzes.org once and accept the host key.
  • If you have already made changes in a working copy downloaded via public access you can switch it to ssh-based access without loosing anything: svn switch --relocate http://svn.clazzes.org/project-name svn+ssh://util@svn.clazzes.org/svn/project-name
  • Some maven plugins do not understand the user@ part of scp/scpexe/sftp URLs nor the user setting in ~/.m2/settings.xml or ~/.ssh/config, you will need to call the maven CLI tool with an option like -Duser.name=project-name. Like: maven -Duser.name=project-name deploy
  • If extending or creating a pom.xml, do not forget that at some points you need to use complete URLs, i.e. append /trunk/project-name or the like.