JDBC2XML Docker-Image

JDBC2XML Docker-Image

JDBC2XML Docker-Image Overview

A Docker-Image of JDBC2XML can be publicly pulled as clazzesorg/jdbc2xml, current tags are 1.6 and latest (as in latest stable).

This public free image only contains the free JDBC drivers for MariaDB and PostgreSQL.

To add additional JDBC drivers just map the JAR file under /usr/lib/jdbc2xml/drivers/ (or map them elsewhere and specify them using --*driver options).

ITEG customers may request access to extended images that contain more drivers, using tags 1.6-non-free and latest-non-free.

Image usage examples

Here are some basic examples for getting the jdbc2xml help text, making a connection test, and duming a database:

docker run -i -t --rm clazzesorg/jdbc2xml jdbc2xml --help

docker run -i -t --rm --network mariadb clazzesorg/jdbc2xml \
  jdbcping --user testUser --password testPassword --url jdbc:mariadb://mariadb-server:3306/testdb

docker run -i -t --rm --network mariadb \
  -v /tmp:/tmp:rw \
  clazzesorg/iteggmbh/jdbc2xml \
  jdbc2xml --user testUser --password testPassword --url jdbc:mariadb://mariadb:3306/testdb --file /tmp/testdb.xml

For more syntax sugre also see JDBC2XML Usage.

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