Build directory creation with SVN property copying

Build directory creation with SVN property copying

Suggest you have a multi-program project using our usual schema and want to add a new program prog2 with similar build scheme as prog1.

First set some helper variables to be able to use the loops below:

AL="unix mingx"
BL="debug release"

Then create the directories:

for A in ${AL} ; do for B in ${BL} ; do
  mkdir -pv build/$A/$B/programs/${NEWPROG}
done ; done

You also might want to copy Makefiles:

for A in ${AL} ; do for B in ${BL} ; do
  cat build/$A/$B/programs/${PROG}/Makefile |sed -e "s/${PROG}/${NEWPROG}/g" >build/$A/$B/programs/${NEWPROG}/Makefile
done ; done

Finally You might want to svn add the new directories and copy the svn properties, especially svn:ignore, like this:

for A in ${AL} ; do for B in ${BL} ; do
  svn add build/$A/$B/programs/${NEWPROG}
  svn propget svn:ignore build/$A/$B/programs/${PROG} |sed -e "s/${PROG}/${NEWPROG}/g" >/tmp/svn.props
  svn propset svn:ignore build/$A/$B/programs/${NEWPROG} --file /tmp/svn.props
done ; done


Script for single-module projekcts

For simpler projects with one directory you might find https://svn.clazzes.org/svn/pba/trunk/pba-helloworld-portable/scripts/set_svn_ignore.sh very useful.

Just create a scripts/ directory right besides the debian*/ directory, svn export the script there, and call it.