SDS (SQL Directory Service)
The SDS (SQL Directory Service) bundle provides means to manage a set of database tables maintaining users and groups for some application.
It provides a DOJO based web interface to manage the users and groups and group memberships.
Putting SDS together with org.clazzes.login.sql (1.3.2+) provides a complete standalone authentication service and management to use for a set of standalone applications running in the same OSGi container.
Installation in an OSGi container
The SDS service is provided as an OSGi bundle, which may be activated by
obr:addurl obr:deploy sds.api obr:deploy sds.impl obr:deploy sds.web
Installation on a Debian host
This only works well for a Karaf using /etc/apache-karaf
as configuration directory, like ITEG's apache-karaf distribution.
cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d test -f any-sds-1.list || wget apt-get update sds-bundles apache-karaf-sds-bundles-activator
PID org.clazzes.sds.web
# org.clazzes.sds.web.cfg dataSourceName = SDS defaultPasswordAlgorithm = crypt
For information about how to provide a DataSource (to which to refer to with the dataSourceName
key), see Multi-DataSource pooling with JDBC-Provider.
PID org.clazzes.sds.web
# org.clazzes.sds.web.cfg loginMechanism = org.clazzes.login.sql suUsers = MYDOMAIN/admin # optionals: maxAgeSeconds = 3600 deliverUncompressed = false
For information about loginMechanism
, see DomainPasswordLoginService implementations and backends.