DomainPasswordLoginService implementations and backends

This page describes The Java interface is org.clazzes.util.sec.DomainPasswordLoginService from

DomainPasswordLoginService Implementations

Current implementations

The following implementations are available:

For testing them there is a testpad webapp using org.clazzes.login.adapter.http, see there.

Maven and Subversion repository

All implementations have the new maven groupIdorg.clazzes.login, and a new svn repository:

Authentication against external Authentication Providers

  • OAuth2/OpenID Connect client: org.clazzes.login.oauth (authenticate against github, Google, microsoft cloud services,...).

OSGi wrapper HttpLoginServiceAdapter and Testpad

The OSGi side for the new login serivce approach consists of one small bundle, org.clazzes.login.adapter.http, that listens for providers of the DomainPasswordLoginService interface and exports them adapted as HttpLoginService.

Token OTP Provider

For adding two-factor authentication support, the module org.clazzes.login.yubikey is provided, which has been 

DomainPasswordLoginService backend SDS

We are currently in the process of implementing a backend.

For now see (SVN) and SDS (JIRA).