FancyLibs Home
FancyLibs are our lightweight attempt at a portable basic function collection for C++ applications.
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Adapting FancyLibs from Debian 11 Bullseye to 12 Bookworm, later eventually MinGW-9 to MinGW-102024-07-25 • contributed by Christoph Lechleitner
Adapting FancyLibs & MinGW-Pkg from Debian 10 Buster to 11 Bullseye, MinGW-8 to MinGW-92022-01-07 • contributed by Christoph Lechleitner
Adapting FancyLibs & MinGW-Pkg from Debian 9 Stretch to 10 Buster, Mingw-7 to Mingw-82019-09-04 • contributed by Christoph Lechleitner
FancyQMI Library & Tool2015-03-29 • contributed by Christoph Lechleitner
FancyModbus Library & Tools2014-12-04 • contributed by Wolfgang Glas
FancyLibs Home2013-02-02 • contributed by Christoph Lechleitner
FancyLibs2013-02-02 • contributed by Christoph Lechleitner
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