FancyQMI Library & Tool
fancqmi is a wrapper library for the libqmi-glib modem control library, which can be found under
Location of Packages
SVN: svn+ssh://
This package is standalone program to watch a modem
apt-get install fancyqmi-tool
Library only
If you only need the library, install the following packages:
apt-get install libfancyqmi1 libfancyqmi1-dev
Debug symbols
All packages have a counterpart containing debug symbols for gdb:
fancyqmi-tool-dbg libfancyqmi1-dbg
Using the command line tool
Watch the modem
The fancyqmi-tool client lets you wath the signal and system info using the following commands:
fancyqmi-tool watch /dev/cdc-wdm0 fancyqmi-tool -ffancyqmi watch /dev/cdc-wdm0 fancyqmi-tool -ffancyqmi watch --poll /dev/cdc-wdm0
These examples watch the modem until the process is interrupted by a signal (Ctrl-C or kill).
The -ffancyqmi
option increases the log level, --poll
activates polling instead of listening to unsolicited callback from libqmi-glib.
Cleanup ClientIDs
If client IDs are not released using QmiDmsClient::release()
resp. QmiNasClient::release()
and the like, the error "ClientIdsExhausted
" can occur and even survive cold reboots.
As documented in the ac. mailinglist under the subject SYNC indiciations, performing an arbitrary qmicli
command with --device-open-sync can solve this:
qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --wds-get-packet-service-status --device-open-sync