Python3 Jira Client

Python3 Jira Client

clazzes.org's python3 jira-client is a python Command Line Interface(CLI) tool which can create and read issues for projects. It can be heavily customized with config files and supports both Basic Authentication and OAuth 1.0a.

Supported Commands:

Note: The values needed for the commands are prioritized in this order:

Command line specified > custom config file with -c > user config file > global config file







--project: The project's identifier in Jira

Pretty prints, to stdout, all the issues for a given project name, in order of creation descending.

Could redirect output to save in file.

Browsing Permissions

--project: The identifier of the project to add the issue to.

--summary: Headline of the issue to be created. Put in quotation marks if it contains spaces.

--desc: Description of the issue to be created.

--issuetype: How the issue should be categorized. Examples are bug, task, feature, subtask,...

--priority: Number from 1-5 where 1 is a Blocker and 5 is Trivial.

 --assignee: The username of the requested assignee, if one should be immediately assigned.

--parent: The identifier of the parent issue. Only required if you create a subtask.

Creates an issue for the given project name.

Browsing and Issue Creation Permissions


--conffile: Absolute path to the file where the config values should be saved/overwritten. If it doesn't exist, attempt to create it there.

Any of username, password, oAuthToken, consumerKey, consumerSecret, oAuthSecretToken, authMethod, privateKeyLocation, baseurl that should be saved in the config file

Initialize or change a config fileNone

--consumerkey: The name of the OAuth public key as configured on the Jira Server. Specify to use a different one than the config file has.

--consumersecret: The OAuth secret as configured on the Jira Server. Specify to use a different one than the config file has.

--pkeyloc: Path to the private to be used for the creation of this token.

Create an OAuth token.


OAuth Consumer must have been configured server-side by an Administrator. 
A Tutorial on how to configure that can be found on the official Atlassian Jira Documentation:
(Only Step 1 is relevant, Step 2 and 3 are handled by JiraClient)

Consumer secret and key already configured on Jira.

Private Key used must correspond to configured public key.

Example Command Usage


List issues for project with "id" attribute EXAMPLEPROJECTNAME

jira-client listissues --project EXAMPLEPROJECTNAME

Example Output:

Priority 3 - Heavy
DB leaks lead to security invulnerabilities
Created by John Doe at Thu, 14.06.2012 17:39:21 (UTC+02:00)
Assigned to Will Dugh
Last updated: Tue, 13.11.2012 17:26:06 (UTC+01:00)
Priority 4 - Minor
Should allow filtering of currently online users
Created by Will Dugh at Wed, 14.06.2012 17:39:21 (UTC+02:00)
Assigned to Nobody
Last updated: Never


Create an issue for EXAMPLEHOSTINGNAME project which is a Bug with Priority Minor(4):

jira-client createissue --project EXAMPLEPROJECTNAME --summary "This is the headline" --desc "This is a multi-lined\ndescription" --issuetype Bug --priority 4

No output when successful.


Initialize the user config file from scratch interactively:

> jira-client initconfig

Enter config file path (Alternatively enter 'u' for user or 'g' for global config): 

> u

Enter remaining configurable values, leave empty to ignore:

username: > johndoe
password: > notapassword123
consumerKey: > notakey987
authMethod: > OAUTH
privateKeyLocation: > /home/johndoe/mykeyring/pkey.pem
baseurl: > https://jira.mydomain.com

This will set username, password, consumerKey, authMethod, privateKeyLocation and baseurl to the specified values and leave the rest alone.

Initialize a config file to a custom path with all parameters already set:

> jira-client initconfig --conffile /home/johndoe/customjira.conf --username johndoe --password notapw123 --oauthtoken Jb72NuBYBvT9zfrYfXCzdfF7y11X6ewC -oauthsecrettoken lxpMs8QIllXE3Y9kxGu3yakyyqHs5kh3 -auth OAUTH -consumersecret notasecret1923 -consumerkey notakey29 --pkeyloc /home/johndoe/mykeyring/pkey.pem --baseurl https://jira.mydomain.com

No output if successful.


Can only be done interactively because OAuth1.0a requires manual user authentication.

Creating the OAuthToken and saving it to user config file:

> jira-client createoauth
Request token recieved, please authorize me in the Browser via the following URL:

Have you authorized me? (Y/n) 

--(Manual authentication in browser)--

> Y

{'oauth_token': 'yPpXwNyWeLpc923qIpKvMLCabVqztb28', 'oauth_token_secret': 'uDtPg6ePeKWG9JsNZZblubAWfnwbCoNl', 'oauth_expires_in': '157680000', 'oauth_session_handle': 'bmF8KVnnF2AMwUX6AAZ8P5Oc3WtS0b5A', 'oauth_authorization_expires_in': '160272000'}
Save OAuth Token to user or global config, or none (u/g/n)? 
Alternatively, enter a custom absolute file path(starting with /):

> u

Installation & configuration tips

Apt sources



OAuth token creation

See https://developer.atlassian.com/server/jira/platform/oauth/

But not all fields in step 3 of "Create an application link" are irrelevant ;-)

Sample cnf

jira-client.cnf example
username = jdoe
#password = myPass
baseurl = https://jira.company.test/



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